11/21_ ‘Frische Daten’ Project
One year ago, on 01.11.2020, the FriDa research project ( started with the aim of making the quality of fresh products transparent along the entire supply chain. The project is funded by the BMEL with almost 2.5 million euros. In addition to tsenso GmbH as consortium leader, the consortium consists of Euro Pool System Germany, University of Bonn, ATB Bremen and Fraunhofer IOSB Karlsruhe. On the occasion of the first anniversary, we would like to inform you about the current status of the project, the further procedure and how you can participate in this project as a practice partner.
The project consortium is investigating which quality parameters are important for the saleability of fruit and vegetables and how they change during the life cycle. We are analysing to what extent better visibility of quality and shelf-life parameters at different points in the food chain will allow simplified decisions regarding storage and distribution. In the long term, the intention is to decrease food waste considerably.
To generate this knowledge and measure the required data, food scanners, sensors and laboratory tests are used. Our goal is to link and evaluate this data in a cloud application.
In the first step, we are examining how the processes of receiving goods in wholesale and retail can be optimised and objectified. In ideal cases, defective goods should be identified before they are shipped and put to an alternative use.
In the first year, we have already been able to achieve initial successes. We were able to provide proof of capability in the laboratory and carry out practical field visits to various producers as well as to warehouses of Euro Pool System, Landgard and EDEKA Fruchtkontor.
Initial findings and practical tests show that the idea behind FriDa definitely has real, value-adding use cases and can bring improvements to everyday work.
In the next steps, further exchange with interested practical experts will take place. In parallel, we are working on setting up and validating a demonstrator for the model products raspberries and lamb’s lettuce. This means that we will test the developed service in this project with our practical partners. Therefore, we are already looking forward to the next lamb’s lettuce and raspberry season!