Fresh produce - a logistic challenge

Why is reduction of food waste such a challenge?
Food is not homogenous in its characteristics. There are considerable variations in quality, shelf-life and safety. Yet we have very few insights into the true properties of a specific patch or pallet. This makes good planning the combination of experience and guessing.
Fresh produce and other perishable products have a very limited shelf-life. This largely reduces the optimization options. By the time you find out that a product is about to spoil, there is very little you can do.
On the other hand, some product batches have a longer shelf-life than expected. Just reordering based on a fixed schedule will only provoke stocking up merchanise until it spoils.

Economy & Ecology

Reliable data for better planning saves money & helps the environment

Sustainability is only sustainable if all of its aspects of the daily food supply chain are considered and respected. Through optimized logistics and accurate demand and order forecasting, food waste can be avoided before it begins. But this requires data, accurate and reliable data.

Safety first!

Safety plus sustainability = long-term winner!

Fighting food waste may not lead to safety risks. Already today we know many food borne diseases. Relying on your smell and taste alone may have severe effects on your health, if the product is contaminated with salmonella or listeria. If we want to improve the sustainability of our food system, we need to start with our safety and quality assurance processes.

That why we created FreshIndex:
A connected system to assess the true quality, safety and shelf-life of food.

The idea is becoming real

Since CEO Matthias introduced the Fresh Index project to 300 investors and experts (see video), an exciting journey has started.
Join it. Sign up for our monthly newsletter:

Transparent Freshness & Safety

Successfully validated for pork meat together with METRO (field trial 09/2018).
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    Visualization of true freshness

    Actual degree of freshness when scanning the product.

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    Dynamic best-before date

    Date until the product ist still in good conditions, based on real production and storage conditions.
    For fruits (e.g. Mango, Avocado): Optimum consumption date – perfect ripeness

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    Dynamic consumption limit

    Product should not be consumed any more for safety reasons

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    Home transport and cooling

    Result is a reliable Dynamic Best-Before Date even taking into account personal tranport conditions and fridge temperature at home.

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    Product info

    Information on producer, origin, nutrition. CO2 Footprint

  • Feedback Option

    Consumer has the possibility to interact with retailer & producer giving feedback on satisfaction or suggestions for improvements.

FreshIndex News

We want to thank our supporters.
FreshIndex would not have been possible without:

FreshIndex by tsenso.

tsenso GmbH
Nöllenstr.32 – 70195 Stuttgart
+49 175 5234 632 +49 175 5234 632

FreshIndex by tsenso.
tsenso GmbH, Johannesstr.19 – 70176 Stuttgart

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